ExoShell provides a set of free and open-source tools:
Desktop applications for Windows, Macos and Linux
Mobile applications for iOS and Android
Browser extensions for Firefox and Chromium based browsers
You can start to schedule scripts, which we call bots. For example, you can:
Scrap products from a website
Scan a website
Send emails to a mailing list
You can run ExoShell scripts locally or on remote environments where an ExoShell agent is setup. We provide a managed platform where you can run scripts all other the world on major clouds. We also provide a docker and kubernetes installation that you can use to run on your own cloud infrastructure.
Scripts are pieces of code that can be executed/scheduler locally or remotely, immediately or in the future.
Not a all because developers can share their scripts through our official hub at https://exoshell.io/hub.
Running a script locally means the execution of the script will happen on your computer. Executing a script remotely means you trigger the execution of it on a remote environment, such as a cloud provider, or one of your devices, such as an Android phone.
Yes, ExoShell applications are 100% open source and free to use. We provide a paid cloud platform for running your scripts all other the world in a resilient manner.